Last revision: January 24, 2007

Major Contradictions in Mormonism

Compiled by Richard Packham

Why are contradictions important?

     Contradictions are a mark of falseness. If two statements contradict each other, then one of them must be false. If both statements come from the same person, then the suspicion must arise that the person is lying (or at least grossly mistaken) in one of them, or perhaps both.

     If both of the contradictory statements are supposed to be from God, or from God's spokesman (a prophet or a scripture) then we are justified in considering this supposed spokesman to be fraudulent, since God is not supposed to lie or to make contradictory statements.

"For I am the Lord, I change not;..." - Malachi 3:6

"God is not a man, that he should lie;.. hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" - Num 23:19

"...with [God] is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." - James 1:17 (see also BoM Morm 9:9, Mosiah 2:22, Alma 7:20)

     Mormon leaders insist that there are no contradictions in Mormonism. Joseph Fielding Smith, the tenth president of the church, said:
If his [Joseph Smith's] claims and declarations were built upon fraud and deceit, there would appear many errors and contradictions, which would be easy to detect. - Doctrines of Salvation 1:188-189

How religious apologists deal with contradictions

     Contradictions do not seem to bother religious apologists, since they have developed very clever ways of dealing with them, primarily by explaining them away with various excuses:

Some Contradictions in Mormon Scripture, Teachings and Doctrine

     This listing is by no means complete. It includes only those contradictions which are most difficult for Mormons to explain satisfactorily (except to a faithful and all-accepting fellow Mormon who desperately wants an explanation in order to protect his faith). It generally does not include contradictions with Bible passages, since Mormons consider the Bible to have many translation errors, and since the Bible itself is often ambiguous and subject to varying interpretations.

     The contradictions are listed in roughly descending order of how contradictory (and unexplainable) they are, in my estimation:

Abbreviations used:
BoM: Book of Mormon
D&C: Doctrine and Covenants
PoGP: Pearl of Great Price
BoA: Book of Abraham
LoF: Lectures on Faith (until 1921 part of D&C)
HoC: History of the Church
JoD: Journal of Discourses
TJS: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Ensign: Ensign Magazine, official publication of the church
  1. What is God's attitude toward David and Solomon having more than one wife?

    Notice that it is not a question of whether different people at different times might be commanded or permitted or forbidden to practice polygamy; it has only to do with God's view of specific acts of polygamy. And remember that God is unchanging! (BoM, 3 Nephi 24:6)

  2. Does God dwell in man's heart?

  3. Does God the Father have a body of flesh and bones?

  4. Is there more than one God?

  5. Are God The Father and God The Son separate personages?

    In present editions, the words "the Son of" have been inserted before "the Eternal Father" in these (and similar) passages.
    1 Nephi 19:11 says that the "God of Abraham" was Jesus who was "lifted up [and crucified]"

  6. Can one who does not hold the Priesthood see the "face of God"?

  7. Are "Elohim" and "Jehovah (Hebrew: 'YHWH')" different or the same?

  8. Are Adam and Michael the same personages, or different?

  9. Is Adam the same personage as God the Father?

  10. How was Jesus conceived?

  11. What happens to those who teach false doctrine?

  12. Who created the world?

  13. What happens to people who die before having had a chance to hear the gospel?

  14. What happens in heaven to children who die before reaching adulthood?

  15. Is murder a forgivable sin?

  16. Where was the Garden of Eden located?

  17. What materials did Nephi have for building his temple?

  18. What about "the natural man"?

  19. Should there be a paid ministry?

  20. What about tithing?

  21. What is the power of Christ's redemption?

  22. Is Book of Mormon the whole gospel?

  23. Instructions for missionaries: Go singly or in pairs?

  24. Instructions for missionaries: Should they take money and provisions ("purse and scrip") along for their support?

  25. Instructions for missionaries: Should they plan what to preach?

  26. What did God think of John C. Bennett?

    Dr. John C. Bennett converted to the church at Nauvoo in 1840 and quickly became one of Joseph Smith's closest advisers. He was sustained as "Assistant President" of the church April 8, 1841, a position which he held for over a year. He was excommunicated in 1842 and wrote a book exposing the Mormon practice of polygamy.

  27. What was the name of the angel who appeared to Joseph Smith in 1823 and later delivered to him the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated?

  28. Should we "worship" Jesus?

  29. Is God's love unconditional?

  30. What is the "first principle" of the gospel?

For other contradictions
between present Mormon doctrines
and the Book of Mormon click

For a listing of over six hundred similar items, see the excellent book For Any Latter-day Saint: One Investigator's Unanswered Questions, by Sharon I. Banister, available from the author for $8.00 postpaid: Rt 1 Box 20, Ladonia, TX 75449). For my review of this book, click here. More information is at the author's web page:

This listing is a work in progress. Many more items can (and hopefully will) be added. Please forward your suggestions.

Comments? (Please, no preaching, testimonies, or hate mail!) Write:

©  2003 Richard Packham    Permission granted to reproduce for non-commercial purposes, provided text is not changed and this copyright notice is included